Cave Paintings Through the Lens of Neuroscience

This project is a museum exhibition exploring the art from Chauvet Cave and Lascaux Cave both located in France. The thing about cave art is that we know nothing about it. It is a complete mystery to art historians. But I believe that when art and science collaborate on this topic many findings can arise for both teams. Here you will see how neuroscience is able to explain some aspects of cave paintings.

Here is a link to the exhibit. Click the play button on the bottom of the screen to go through the guided tour (The program works a lot better if you use google chrome).

Here is a link to my citations.

Potbelly Horse from Lascaux Cave in France.
The brain.

Katherine Wand is a freshman here at Colgate University. She is looking to major in either biochem or neuroscience. She is also a part of the track and field team.

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