Legal… or Looted?

Would you make a good Curator for Provenance? Play this game to find out if museums would hire you!

For my final project, I created a game called “Legal… or Looted?” that presents different objects and their histories (as provided by the museums) to demonstrate how signs of an illegally trafficked artifact are very clear. I was inspired to create this from the discussions that we held in class, as well as my second web post on the Sarpedon Krater, which all helped me to form a very strong opinion on the topic of repatriation. This game provides just enough information, as well as hints throughout the slides, that anyone can put together the right details to figure out the true history of an object. The ten works of art that are presented offer a great opportunity to learn how, with the right idea of what to look for, anyone can decipher whether an artifact’s history contains factual information or fabrications. Click here to play!

Lilly Hart is a first-year student from Lexington, MA studying at Colgate University. She intends to major in Neuroscience with a minor in sociology.

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