Calendar Summary

This photo is of the “Antikythera Mechanism,” an astonishing machine that is at least 2,000 years old, and was found in an ancient shipwreck. It calculated the movements of the planets, and functioned as a sort of calendar/navigational tool. It is often described as the world’s first computer.

  • 8/29    Venus of Willendorf
  • 8/31    Visual Narratives in Sumeria
  • 9/5      The Image of the Ruler, I: Naram-Sin and Hammurabi
  • 9/7      Mesopotamia in the Modern World
  • 9/12    Egypt: Gift of the Nile
  • 9/14 no class (EM at a conference in Switzerland)
  • 9/19    Monumental Architecture in Egypt   
  • 9/21    King Tut, the Blockbuster, and the Ethics of Mummy Display
  • 9/26    paper appointments – no class
  • 9/28    no class (EM at a conference in Denmark)
  • 10/3 paper appointments – no class
  • 10/5      Uncovering Pylos
  • FRIDAY, 10/7, noon: 1st post must be posted!
  • 10/12    Naturalism + Democracy = “Greek Miracle”?
  • 10/17    The Parthenon
  • 10/19    Read each other’s posts!
  • 10/24   Two Legacies from Greece: the Image of the Ruler and the Female “Nude”
  • 10/26    Rome Encapsulated: The Forum and Markets of Trajan
  • 10/31    The View from the Provinces
  • 11/2     Classics and White Supremacy
  • 11/7    paper appointments – no class
  • TUESDAY, 11/8, 4:15 105 Lawrence, I am giving a talk which you are required to attend: “Art, Money, Museums, and Ethics: A Very Local Story.” It will be recorded.
  • 11/9    paper appointments – no class
  • FRIDAY, 11/11, noon: 2nd post must be posted!
  • 11/14  Temples and Churches
  • 11/16  Hagia Sophia
  • 11/28   Mosques and their Decorative Systems
  • 11/30   Three Amazing Works that Will Make You Never Call It the Dark Ages Again: ISLAMIC GEOMETRIC DRAWING DUE AT THE START OF CLASS (see under “Assignments” tab)
  • 12/5 Cathedrals and Pilgrims
  • 12/7    The Cosmopolitan Middle Ages  
  • MONDAY, 12/12, 5 pm: final project posted on our website