A World Made of Stone

For our final project we made a story map that will take you on a journey through our ancient world. We sought to analyze a number of different but commonly used materials used by many cultures in sculptures and carvings of various sizes. We got some hands on experience with these materials and learned just how impressive it is that many of these sculptures from ancient times even exist. It can be easy to overlook the skill and effort that went into making a piece of art and immediately start comparing its quality with other pieces made of different materials. We hope you enjoy our project and maybe it will give you a new perspective and appreciation for some of the sculptures we look at in class.

Andrew Ferrante and Fred LeClair are both juniors with a fascination in the hard sciences. We both play rugby in the spring and fall and have been good friends since freshman year. Working on this project together was a really fun experience and one we’re sure to remember!

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