How Looters Made Egyptian Tombs Awesome

Hole made by robbers to gain admission to Tutankhamun’s tomb, Egypt, 1933-1934. Source:

One of the most fascinating aspects of Egyptian history is the ancient’s regard for the dead. When Egyptian elites, nobles, and royalty passed away, elaborate tombs were built to safeguard their corpses and possessions. From grave pits to elaborate complexes, Egyptians truly cared about preserving the deceased and the promise of an eternal afterlife. While excavated riches and uncovered antiquities often take center stage while studying ancient Egyptian tombs, my mind is blown by how little attention is attributed to the most impressive and important feature of these tombs: the innovative security measures taken to protect them against looters. Yet, ancient Egyptian tomb security systems were not merely an interesting feature or a simple “booby-trap”; they were the driving factor behind the evolution of tomb architecture. In an effort to outwit tomb raiders, Egyptian tombs grew more complex and fascinating over the years.

For my final project, I created a timeline of the evolution of Egyptian tomb security. I hope you enjoy!

Sarah Smith is a freshman at Colgate University who enjoys studying Economics and Art History. She was inspired by Indiana Jones in the creation of this project. 

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