FOR SALE – Luxurious Domus in the Heart of Rome


DCCL Denarii

Located in the Alta Semina region, the property contains everything a man of means needs to house his family in absolute comfort and style. Amenities include a grand atrium fitted with a recently redone impluvium, garden, private office, dining room and slave quarters for III house slaves.


You won’t want to miss this opportunity to make a bid, we anticipate this one to go fast. Let’s take a closer look.

A Proper Entrance

As you make your way down the street, the grand entrance (fauces) to the home stands out among the plain plebian insula lining the streets. A proper vestibulum is key to making good first impressions with your guests. This grand entryway is sure to impress your status and wealth on any onlookers.

Also included is a shopfront located on the street next to the doorway. This gives you the option to either rent it out to a merchant for extra income or to use it yourself to sell your own goods.

Wonderful Airy Atrium

As any true high status Roman knows, the Atrium can make or break a house and the Atrium in this house is stunning. From entertaining guests to funeral services you will be sure to impress with this lavish interior. Includes a large impluvium and plenty of space to construct a lararium and display family imagines.

The house will come with the previous owner’s family wall art removed, allowing you to decorate the walls of the atrium to your personal tastes. Previous clients have enjoyed an emphasis on status and ancestry in their atrial art, but the decision is all yours. 

An atrium to die for

The Office

Located just off the main atrium, the home office can serve as a great place to receive visitors and to conduct any business. The Atrium can also be used as a waiting area for prospective visitor who wish to conduct business in the office. Bookshelves come stocked with literature including authors such as Ovid, Homer and Marcus Aurelius.  

Spacious and private office

Luxury Triclinium Dining

A beautiful dining room set in the traditional triclinium layout. Another space perfect for entertaining. The seating is arranged in a U shape to allow easy communication and for the man of the household to take his spot at the head of the dining formation. 

Just off the dining room is the kitchen, which comes outfitted with new top of the line clay ovens. In order to compete in the Roman social hierarchy, you have to be able to entertain at high standards. The dining room is central to your ability to entertain guests and this one will not disappoint.

This could be you

Lush Courtyard

Located in back of the home a beautiful courtyard awaits. A beautiful fresh garden is ready to provide you and your family with a wide array of fruits and vegetables. The best part about this house is the clear line of sight from the vestibule all the way through the atrium into the courtyard. Once you see it in person, you are going to fall in love.

Around the Area

Just a few miles from the imperial complex in the heart of the city, this location is great. The Via Latia, is just a quick walk away. One of the largest merchant streets in Rome, the Via Latia is a great cultural hub to be near with plenty of shops, baths, and temples. 

Location of Property in the Alta Semina neighborhood

Also in close proximity is a public restroom in case you get tired of using the luxury chamber pots included with the house. Running water is not currently available for in-house facilities. The bathroom situation is relevant to Tanner’s post which argues that ancient civilizations were more “civilized” than we give them credit for. Chamber pots, public restrooms, sponge on a stick to wipe, I think we can call this a clear failing of civility. Say what you will about our backwards modern culture, but at least we have an abundance of operational toilets.

Aforementioned sponge on a stick

We hope to see you at the open house

You’re going to love this house, we guarantee it

Spencer Jeffries is senior at Colgate University majoring in Philosophy and Economics. His focus lies in ancient philosophy and metaphysics. A long time latin student, Spencer has been fascinated with Roman culture and history for most of his life.

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