3/3 “Greek Miracle”?

A story about the development of naturalism. Pay attention to the dates as you do the readings. What are they based on?

Here are the images we’ll be examining.


Model Exam Answer:

Two-part question: a) What are the main formal similarities and differences between these two statues? b) How can the different purposes these statues served help explain the differences?  10 minutes / 10 points

When looking at these two statues, they have similar facial shapes with both of them being more defined and less flat compared to the kouros from New York. Both have their arms close to their bodies and have very broad shoulders. You can tell that the Greeks were influenced by the Egyptians. They are both sculpted out of stone/rock, but the Egyptian figure is much more clothed and has a royal headdress while also sitting on a throne-like seat. The Greek statue is nude and depicts a more “normal” individual that is free standing. Based on purpose, you can tell that the Khafre enthrowned is supposed to depict the connection between the ruler and the gods with their clothing and very well decorated seat, and the Anavysos Kouros is made as a grave marker because it showed a fairly idealized body figure and the concept of standing in contrapposto shows how one can see the figure’s humanity and movement forward.

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