Final Projects

Athena: Helpful Goddess or Hidden Antagonist

Episode 1: Athena: Helpful Goddess or Hidden Antagonist cgaskin's Podcast

Gods and goddesses are all the crave in Greek Mythology. They are adored by society and are entirely seen as holy and righteous. The gods are never to be questioned and will always act justly. Right? Well, considering Athena, Goddess of Wisdom and War in The Oddysey, this is not entirely the case. In today's episode, we'll take a look at the Goddess Athena, evaluate her actions and their repuercussions. Is she simply a helpful guide or actually a hidden antagonist? Let's find out!

Caroline Gaskin


Hi! I am a first-year student at Colgate University. My intended major is in both Biology and Japanese. I hope to use it to expand my knowledge in these fields throughout my college journey. Additionally, I hope to be able to serve my community during my time at Colgate.


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