Reading Schedule

  1. Th        8/27     ½ day: hello!
  2. F (T)    8/28     This American Life, episode 713, “Made to be Broken,” August 7, 2020:
  3. T          9/1       Odyssey, bks 1-4
  4. Th        9/3       Odyssey, bks 5-9
  5. T          9/8       Odyssey, bks 10-17
  6. Th        9/10     Odyssey, bks 18-24
  7. T          9/15     Genesis 1-3
  8. Th        9/17     Genesis 4-11
  9. T          9/22     Genesis 12-27
  10. Th        9/24     Afterlives: two examples
  11. T          9/29     Exodus 1- 14
  12. Th        10/1     Exodus 15-20
  13. T          10/6     Plato, Euthyphro (in The Trial and Death of Socrates)
  14. Th        10/8     NO CLASS – paper appointments
  15. T          10/13   Plato, Apology
  16. Th        10/15   A Brief History of the Mediterranean from 2000 BCE – 70 CE

Friday, 10/16, noon: 1st web essay must be posted on our website!

  1. T          10/20   Livy p. 7-51
  2. Th        10/22   Livy p. 52-91
  3. T          10/27   Gospel of Mark 1-6
  4. Th        10/29   Gospel of Mark 7-12
  5. T          11/3     Gospel of Mark 13-16 – ELECTION DAY! PLEASE VOTE!
  6. Th        11/5     Qur’an: Surahs 1, 83, 90, 93, 97, 109-114, plus Islam: Empire of Faith, part I (PBS documentary, 2011)
  7. T          11/10   Qur’an: Surahs 2, 21
  8. Th        11/12   Sunjata, pgs. 3-46, PLUS visit from Josh Finnell & Christine Moskell about final projects
  9. T          11/17   Sunjata, pgs 46-94
  10. Th        11/19   NO CLASS – paper appointments
  11. T          12/1     BY THE START OF CLASS: 2nd essays posted! AND: be prepared to share your ideas for your final project
  12. Th        12/3     read half of everyone’s 2nd posts (I will tell you which half to read)
  13. T          12/8     read the rest of the 2nd posts